40k Tourney Report: New Codex Space Marines – 1500 Points, Gamers Sanctuary

This past weekend Gamers Sanctuary hosted a 40k tournament. Eight attendees showed up with 1500 points each. The breakdown of attendees:

First place: Iyanden Eldar / Bike Orks
Second Place: Blood Angels mech
Third Place: Necron wraith / flyer netlist
Dark Eldar 
Imperial Guard with three flyers
Space Marines balanced
Chaos Daemons
Mantis Warrior Space Marines with bikes (moi)

Cerberus did great with his Eldar / Orks to take first and Brother Jeremiah took second with his BA.

Here is my list:

1500 Point List

  • Chapter Tactics White Scars

HQ (240pts)

  • Chapter Master (240pts)
    And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Independent Character, Orbital Bombardment
    Artificer Armor, Auspex, Bike, Power Weapon, The Shield Eternal

Troops (736pts)

  • Bike Squad (Troops) (257pts)
    And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics
    2x Meltagun, 6x Space Marine Biker
    • Attack Bike
    • Biker Sergeant
      Biker Veteran Sgt, Power Fist
  • Bike Squad (Troops) (252pts)
    And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics
    Grav-gun (Graviton), Meltagun, 6x Space Marine Biker
    • Attack Bike
    • Biker Sergeant
      Biker Veteran Sgt, Power Weapon
  • Bike Squad (Troops) (227pts)
    And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics
    6x Space Marine Biker
    • Attack Bike
    • Biker Sergeant
      Biker Veteran Sgt, Power Weapon

Heavy Support (520pts)

  • Centurion Devastator Squad (290pts)
    Chapter Tactics, Decimator Protocols, Move Through Cover, Slow and Purposeful, Very Bulky
    2x Centurion, Centurion Sergeant, 3x Chest Missile Launcher, 3x Grav-cannon and grav-amp, Omniscope
  • Stormraven Gunship (230pts)
    Assault Vehicle, Ceramite Plating, Power of the Machine Spirit
    Hurricane Bolters, Storm Strike Missile, Twin Linked Lascannons, Twin Linked Multi Meltas
Lineup for game one

16 thoughts on “40k Tourney Report: New Codex Space Marines – 1500 Points, Gamers Sanctuary

  1. Sounds like a fun mix of players and armie. I prefer 1500 pts over 1850 pt tournaments, wish I could have made it. Chaos Daemons is still the most confusing army to me with all the book keeping.

    I am still not a fan of power armor on bikes (giant wolves, pogo sticks, etc) aesthetic myself but it sounds like the new marine codex allows for a lot of different play styles.


  2. Sounds like a fun mix of players and armie. I prefer 1500 pts over 1850 pt tournaments, wish I could have made it. Chaos Daemons is still the most confusing army to me with all the book keeping.

    I am still not a fan of power armor on bikes (giant wolves, pogo sticks, etc) aesthetic myself but it sounds like the new marine codex allows for a lot of different play styles.


  3. I really like the bike aesthetic but I can understand not everything is for everyone. The new codex is amazing in that it provides tons of different play styles. Plus chapter masters are boss


  4. I really like the bike aesthetic but I can understand not everything is for everyone. The new codex is amazing in that it provides tons of different play styles. Plus chapter masters are boss


  5. i had a great time as always, representing dark eldar. i didn't have the correct models to add my eldar allies, which probably would of been a worse army, honestly. don't get me wrong, the DE/E are great, its just i don't have a good selection to pick from.

    my synopsis:
    round one vs. BA mech – this ended quickly in a table for me. the deployment was long-ways, which essentially makes a small corridor of tanks moving my way. i tried to ignore the 3x dreads, but with the jump psychic power, they closed in fast and that was pretty much game. even with 8 dark lances firing (4 possible targets) i didnt take down much on the approach. two baal predators, with any gun capable of punching my tank armor, was rough.

    round two vs. demons – i don't usually win, but i almost felt bad in this situation. poison is a great matchup for demons. i had played this list wednesday, so i was somewhat familiar. i charged raiders forward, taking as many poison shots as possible. sometimes hitting rapid fire range. i did prioritize the khorne-dogs (mike!), because if they reach my army i'm pretty done. when reserves came in, i hit them with bike bombers and 5 scourges. tons of hits. at this point only one survived, but still caused me issues! the demon princes never saw combat – part of this was losing wounds due to psychic tests, but with no armor to shoot at, i had dark lances hunting them down too. in the end he did hold 1 objective in which i had no way of taking over (nurgle dudes in a ruined tower).

    round three vs. ultramarines – as always, a very fun and interesting game with Scott. playing relic, we both really went hard for the relic. there was tons of bloodshed, and it was only the final turn that one some got control of it. i seized on a 4, which i thought was amazing, but my first turn shooting actually had zero impact. no hull points, or wounds taken. ouch! as the game went on, an immobilized tank with a demolisher cannon had clear LOS to the relic, so that was harsh. my reaver bikes, which immobilized it, got charged by a dreadnought which came at me THROUGH a building. it was awesome. he went through a second ruined wall to defend the relic. it was very cinematic! deep striking scourges to pour wounds on the thunderfire cannon was a good choice for me. in the end, i ended up with a victory here as well. hiding a full raider out of LOS until the end of the game was what got me the relic.


  6. i had a great time as always, representing dark eldar. i didn't have the correct models to add my eldar allies, which probably would of been a worse army, honestly. don't get me wrong, the DE/E are great, its just i don't have a good selection to pick from.

    my synopsis:
    round one vs. BA mech – this ended quickly in a table for me. the deployment was long-ways, which essentially makes a small corridor of tanks moving my way. i tried to ignore the 3x dreads, but with the jump psychic power, they closed in fast and that was pretty much game. even with 8 dark lances firing (4 possible targets) i didnt take down much on the approach. two baal predators, with any gun capable of punching my tank armor, was rough.

    round two vs. demons – i don't usually win, but i almost felt bad in this situation. poison is a great matchup for demons. i had played this list wednesday, so i was somewhat familiar. i charged raiders forward, taking as many poison shots as possible. sometimes hitting rapid fire range. i did prioritize the khorne-dogs (mike!), because if they reach my army i'm pretty done. when reserves came in, i hit them with bike bombers and 5 scourges. tons of hits. at this point only one survived, but still caused me issues! the demon princes never saw combat – part of this was losing wounds due to psychic tests, but with no armor to shoot at, i had dark lances hunting them down too. in the end he did hold 1 objective in which i had no way of taking over (nurgle dudes in a ruined tower).

    round three vs. ultramarines – as always, a very fun and interesting game with Scott. playing relic, we both really went hard for the relic. there was tons of bloodshed, and it was only the final turn that one some got control of it. i seized on a 4, which i thought was amazing, but my first turn shooting actually had zero impact. no hull points, or wounds taken. ouch! as the game went on, an immobilized tank with a demolisher cannon had clear LOS to the relic, so that was harsh. my reaver bikes, which immobilized it, got charged by a dreadnought which came at me THROUGH a building. it was awesome. he went through a second ruined wall to defend the relic. it was very cinematic! deep striking scourges to pour wounds on the thunderfire cannon was a good choice for me. in the end, i ended up with a victory here as well. hiding a full raider out of LOS until the end of the game was what got me the relic.


  7. Looks like a nice fun event. I do think reorganzing the squads into two ten man and a 7 man squad would be preferable. I'd also give the chapter master a relic blade as S6 is so much better than S4 and you don't get the bonus attack already because of the shield. If playing White Scars as your primary detachment having a count as for Khan I think is almost required as his scout move is super solid. (And to be fair I just argued against khan as an ally Hq over on Aspects Of The Void)


  8. Looks like a nice fun event. I do think reorganzing the squads into two ten man and a 7 man squad would be preferable. I'd also give the chapter master a relic blade as S6 is so much better than S4 and you don't get the bonus attack already because of the shield. If playing White Scars as your primary detachment having a count as for Khan I think is almost required as his scout move is super solid. (And to be fair I just argued against khan as an ally Hq over on Aspects Of The Void)


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