Fantasy Friday: Monstrous Arcanum Models, Great Lakes Warhammer League!

A while back I purchased Monstrous Arcanum and some monsters for Warhammer Fantasy. I bought three Skin Wolves and one Preyton. I’m glad I did because they turned out to be very Beastman-y. In the future I think I’ll be picking up some more stuff… Forge World is just really the drug dealer I can’t say no to. The Elemental of Beasts is pretty sweet and the Arcane Frogs are just ridiculous, lol.

First up, the Preyton. This thing is really weird looking and angry. When you wound it in combat the wounds actually count AGAINST you! That is how much it hates itself. That really goes with the whole beastmen theme and they actually created it in a shaman ritual way back.

I may use this thing as a count-as Jabberslythe sometimes in normal games as that model is hilariously expensive now. I really do like this guy although he is a bit smaller than I imagined.

Skin wolves are dudes and dudettes who basically carry the gene to transform into a wolf at some point in their life. They live in the north in the Chaos wastes and become transformed. The models are SO cool. the skin is still on the model so you can paint that and make them look hardcore.

The stats themselves are basically monstrous infantry but you can give them marks. These are marked with Tzeentch as that is the god my Beastmen serve.

The models themselves are very dynamic and easy to imagine running across the field, tearing dudes up.

They don’t rank up the best but I imagine I’ll try them out in my next game so I can see how they work out. They’re only about 55 points each so they’re not too bad.

This brings me to the next point: I’ve pulled some rules from the ‘nets about how to use Monstrous Arcanum in a regular game. These are pretty sweet! We’ll be using these for Foodhammer.

  • Forge World units ARE allowed. You must have the rules with you.
  • Monsters with the ‘Kinship’ rule to your army = Count as rare choice and can have as many as you want (providing you have the rare points available).
  • Monsters with the ‘bound’ rule to your army= Allowed only 1 as a rare choice.
  • Monsters with the ‘Abhorrent’ rule to your army = not allowed in your army.
  • Same rules for large units (such as wolf rats/Fimir warriors) but regarded as ‘special’ not ‘rare’.

The other Fantasy Friday topic we have today is the Great Lakes Warhammer League. This league has been going for a long time and I’ve just never taken part for some reason. It starts in January (the day before my pledge ends!) so I’d like to get in on it.

I’d really like to get a Flint contingent in on this league. I’ve asked Rhellion to give us a noobie’s guide so we can get up to date on this great Michigan wargaming event. Watch this blog for more on the GLWL!

Mantis Warrior Forge World Tartaros Terminators

Our little Space Marine has kept us very busy but I’ve been able to devote a little time each night to finishing these Tartaros Pattern Terminators from Forge World. I bought 10 so I could have 10 tactical terminators, 10 lightning claw terminators, and 10 storm shield / thunder hammer terminators.

I gave them the standard loadout with a heavy flamer and chainfists because they look so damn cool. I love the dynamic poses of these models – they actually look like they’re shooting at something or getting ready to fist a vehicle. I’ve heard a lot of hate on these particular terminators and I’m not sure why. They look great and they’ll stand out as something different for sure.

For the bases I chose to go with a ‘Bros on the Bayou’ theme. I’ve done jungle bases for all the Mantis Warriors I’ve painted so far but these guys are in an actual swamp. I used the Secret Weapon Miniatures  blasted wetlands bases and their Instant Scenery Kit for Wetlands to make it look really swampy.

For their fists and swords I used the same method I used on my lightning claws of layering dark blue, blue, light blue, then dry brushing white, then washing with Guilliman Blue. I think they turned out fantastic. I gave them gold helmets because I wanted them to definitely stand out. I’ll have to think of some battle honor they received. Perhaps Reth.

Each guy got some damage painted on because they’ve been through a lot. These guys are gonna take even more fire in 6th edition now that AP values have changed; torrent after torrent will be sent downrange at them. Hopefully they’ll return fire in a good way and take some stuff out.

Anyway, on to the photos! 

Oh No… My Forge World Order Is In

Art by Lathander1987 

Last month I sold my Tomb Kings, Firestorm Armada, Pulp City, some Rogue Trader marines, and some Chaos Models I didn’t need. The result: I ordered a Tyranid Hierophant Bio-Titan, a Stormeagle, and a full 10 man squad of Tartaros terminators.

The damage:

I think the first things I’ll assemble are the Stormeagle and terminators. The Hierophant is going to need a lot of TLC to  even get it to stand up correctly. I can’t wait to have this stuff assembled and painted.