40k Tourney Report: New Codex Space Marines – 1500 Points, Gamers Sanctuary

This past weekend Gamers Sanctuary hosted a 40k tournament. Eight attendees showed up with 1500 points each. The breakdown of attendees:

First place: Iyanden Eldar / Bike Orks
Second Place: Blood Angels mech
Third Place: Necron wraith / flyer netlist
Dark Eldar 
Imperial Guard with three flyers
Space Marines balanced
Chaos Daemons
Mantis Warrior Space Marines with bikes (moi)

Cerberus did great with his Eldar / Orks to take first and Brother Jeremiah took second with his BA.

Here is my list:

1500 Point List

  • Chapter Tactics White Scars

HQ (240pts)

  • Chapter Master (240pts)
    And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Independent Character, Orbital Bombardment
    Artificer Armor, Auspex, Bike, Power Weapon, The Shield Eternal

Troops (736pts)

  • Bike Squad (Troops) (257pts)
    And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics
    2x Meltagun, 6x Space Marine Biker
    • Attack Bike
    • Biker Sergeant
      Biker Veteran Sgt, Power Fist
  • Bike Squad (Troops) (252pts)
    And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics
    Grav-gun (Graviton), Meltagun, 6x Space Marine Biker
    • Attack Bike
    • Biker Sergeant
      Biker Veteran Sgt, Power Weapon
  • Bike Squad (Troops) (227pts)
    And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics
    6x Space Marine Biker
    • Attack Bike
    • Biker Sergeant
      Biker Veteran Sgt, Power Weapon

Heavy Support (520pts)

  • Centurion Devastator Squad (290pts)
    Chapter Tactics, Decimator Protocols, Move Through Cover, Slow and Purposeful, Very Bulky
    2x Centurion, Centurion Sergeant, 3x Chest Missile Launcher, 3x Grav-cannon and grav-amp, Omniscope
  • Stormraven Gunship (230pts)
    Assault Vehicle, Ceramite Plating, Power of the Machine Spirit
    Hurricane Bolters, Storm Strike Missile, Twin Linked Lascannons, Twin Linked Multi Meltas
Lineup for game one

New Space Marines Codex – Initial Thoughts From a Mantis Warriors Captain

So the new Space Marines codex came out this weekend along with a number of other releases. It is fair to say that the Marine book was a bit outdated with no AA and lots of choices that had come down in cost after new codexes released. It was still a fair and balanced codex, but deserved some cool options.

The options were definitely increased. I’m going to provide some quick hits from my time with the new models and new codex this weekend; later on, Scott, our resident Space Marine fanboy, will hit the blog with some in-depth discussion.

The Book
The new codex is beautiful. There is quite a bit of new art and many of the more forgotten chapters are detailed with lots of panels. You can tell GW has put a lot of time into the design of the new codexes. Quotes and purity seals and stuff are everywhere. I’m not sure if it is recycled art but the ‘making of a space marine’ section is pretty awesome.

They definitely listened to feedback about the last book being ULTRAMARINES, BRO! and fixed that, providing all kinds of fluff and art for the other chapters. Still no Mantis Warriors, but I feel like they’re probably leaving that stuff to FW.

I don’t like how the new items section is laid out; you have to refer back to it for point costs for stuff instead of it being laid out in each unit section. Kinda annoying. Sure, I can just use BattleScribe or Army Builder, but I’m looking at the book and constantly have to flip back and forth.

The book is $58. I feel like a price of $40 is probably fair. The PP hardcovers are $40. At $58 you’re making it intensely hard for many people to justify purchasing the new book, not to mention the kids who you’re trying to get into your hobby.

Compare it to the RPG hobby where $59.99 gets you a beautiful Fantasy Flight RPG book that more than doubles the amount of pages and has tons of new art (not to mention new development in rules). Pretty ridiculous, but that is the direction GW is going.

Right now I’m part of the problem I suppose, but I am less and less of it because I am spending my cash elsewhere.

The Forge the Narrative idea is strong with this new codex. They want you to pick out a chapter ancestry and run with it from the start. I’m going to use White Scars since the Mantis Warriors are a successor of the Marauders, who draw White Scar lineage. This will help out with bikes (not that I have any painted yet!).

The main idea I could see them drawing on a whiteboard when designing this codex is versatility. Space Marines are supposed to handle any challenge; they’re jacks of all trades but mostly masters of none. They’re not an assault force like the Blood Angels; they’re not a crazed shooting army like the Space Wolves. They draw a little from both and provide an army that can be very balanced on the tabletop.

With this new codex, new units, and new point costs, it is easier than ever to balance your force and avoid a skew. Lay down covering fire with predators or (cheaper) whirlwinds. Drop in with a drop pod to disrupt your opponent’s lines, then fly in a Storm Raven with terminators to shoot then blow things up. Throw down a line of devastator marines to shoot their big tanks.

Things I like: The land speeder storm is now a dedicated transport for scouts. Awesome. Makes sense. Even with snipers you can fly them in, land, and then blow things up with the storm.

Point cost reductions for many units. Bikes are cheaper, devastator marines are cheaper and probably usable now, sternguard are cheaper, even land speeders are cheaper.

You can make your warlord a 65 point model! This saves a ton of points that can be used to equip other units. You can also give your warlord eternal warrior with one relic, which is amazing (plus it is a storm shield). You have the choice to make a HUGE dang epic space marine hero or a cheap dude who basically runs a detachment.

You can use a tactical squad with only one special weapon! Sweet. Seems like a no-brainer.

The combat squad rules have been tightened and make sense. So much easier to use and explain to newbies.

Grav weapons are a really cool idea and a cool mechanic. I hope they remain something that only codex marines use. I am probably not going to give any to any models I have already built and painted, but centurions and sternguard models will certainly have them.

It is easy to get AA in your army with flakk missiles available across the board and a new dedicated AA tank. (The tank can be built as both variants, with the top part interchangeable!)

Terminators can select as many land raiders as they’d like as dedicated transports! Pretty cool. You could do a six LR list with terminators.

The orbital bombardment that the Chapter Master has no longer requires that he sit still from what I can tell. Chapter Masters in terminator armor moving forward blowing you up 😛

Thunderfire cannons are barrage now too! No LOS needed.

Things that could be done better: command squads can no longer take special weapons. Seems like an oversight. Many of the models in command squads through the years have been modeled with special weapons. They hardly seem worth taking now.

It is sweet the whirlwinds are cheaper by 20 points, but a bonus rule would be great – something like AP 3 if you hit straight on, or leaving smoke clouds that obscure LOS, something. They’re AV 11 and die to a stiff breeze =/

Thunder hammer / storm shield terminators probably didn’t need the points increase. I feel like they’re a signature unit for vanilla marines.

Drop pods can only carry 10 guys now. What about the characters? Argggh.

Bottom line: I don’t think this codex is going to break the game, which is great. A fair and balanced codex is the best way to make a codex. 40k is inherently not a balanced game, but we can do our best with what we’ve been given to make cool stories on the tabletop (which is all I want out of 40k).

New Models
Cerberus and I put together Centurions and the new Hunter / Stalker tanks. The centurions were much-maligned on the interwebs and I think rightfully so. The poses they’re taking does not suggest a sweet model; they look like they’re waiting to get on a bus.


I managed to cut up their legs a bit and re-pose them to make them look like they’re actually fighting. The bald heads do give them a fighting look as opposed to the emotionless helmets. I also left off the codpieces and I feel they look much better without them – they actually look like they might be able to move and they don’t look so tanky.

The centurions are priced downright insanely. At $78 they’re outside of most peoples’ budgets and come out to 28 cents a point if you make them devastators with grav options. Compare the unit to an Iron Fang Uhlan unit on the same size bases in pewter at $60. Sure, they don’t come with 10 different heads for each model, but do you really want to have to pay for that?

The hunter / stalker is pretty nice as far as rhino variants go but it comes in at an astonishing $65 for some extra armor panels and two new turrets. $30 extra for that. GW definitely has a problem.

I also put together some new sternguard. The models themselves are beautiful. They come with a ton of options and I can put in graviton guns. For the collector, they’re amazing. The price isn’t SO bad, but $10 a model for a space marine dude is still highway robbery. For the same price you could get 13 plastic Winter Guard.

Bottom line: the new models are beautiful GW plastic kits, and the centurions can be salvaged, but the prices are beyond insane and there is no justifying it. None.

Check back later for some more in-depth looks and tactics from our resident Space Marine expert, Scott.

Heroes of the Imperium – Chapter Master Ogotai and Master Librarian Jaran

Re-colored in Mantis Warriors. Original by MasterAlighieri

I finally finished my Mantis Warrior characters for Heroes of the Imperium month. I was extremely busy with baby’s first birthday, Gettysburg, etc so I barely had any time to get these models done. I did spend an hour or two every other night putting paint on, but it took a while because they’re large models and I did quite a bit of weathering.

The Mantis Warriors are likely an Eighth Founding of the Marauders, a second founding of the White Scars. This means they trace their lineage to the Mongol-like White Scars who do much of their fighting from the bike. I drew some inspiration from these images:

I’ve always liked Space Marine biker models. They look tough and imposing. Each dude is ready to cross the field and fight as fast as possible. There are a ton of opportunities for weathering, exhaust, etc. The models themselves aren’t super hard to paint.

For my pledge I chose two models by Scibor. I picked these up at Adepticon because they looked so cool in person. They’re also HUGE. I like to have alternative models as my HQs because I like being unique and not just using the same models as everyone else as my leader.

Here are the models primed green:

You can see the dudes look like terminators riding bikes. Could be artificer armor. The bikes are a lot bigger and come on their own scenic bases. I attempted to put them on my Secret Weapon Minis forest bases but they didn’t fit, heh.

First up, Chapter Master Ogotai:

I really like the detail on the models – the flowing robes, the angels, the trim on the bikes. The engines are detailed really nicely. The way they’re built makes it really easy to weather them and make it look like they’ve been on a penitent crusade for a long time.

I really wanted Ogotai to have that ‘old space marine’ look with a pale white face. It was REALLY pale so I had to flesh wash it a little bit. His relic blade came out nicely – I used pigments and wash from SWM. I’ll put a Maelstrom Warders logo on his left shoulder pad.

Master librarian Jaran looks better in my opinion, probably because of the contrasting colors. I use a very dark blue for my librarians. I think I like it more because they don’t look like Ultramarines and it makes them look more dangerous. You can see the mud effects and the exhaust weathering on this model pretty nicely.

I’ve had a ton of bikes to paint for a long time but never really had the inspiration, even though space marine bikes are probably my favorite models. Now I’m going to paint these dudes for the Michigan GT and hopefully actually go.

I have a command squad with company champion, apothecary, storm shields and thunder hammers (355 points!). I also have three squads with attack bikes and a meltagun each. This rounds out an 1850 force pretty nicely:

1850 Pts – Codex: Space Marines Roster

HQ: Space Marine Captain in Power Armour (1#, 200 pts)
   1 Space Marine Captain in Power Armour, 200 pts (Bikes (Character); Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Iron Halo; Melta Bombs; Artificer Armour; Relic Blade x1; Storm Shield x1; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics; Independent Character; Warlord)
      1 Space Marine Bike (Twin-Linked Boltgun)

HQ: Space Marine Librarian in Power Armour (1#, 135 pts)
   1 Space Marine Librarian in Power Armour, 135 pts (Bikes (Character); Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Psychic Hood; Space Marine Bike; Bolt Pistol; Force Axe; Twin-Linked Boltgun; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics; Independent Character; Psyker (Mastery Level 1))

: Command Squad (5#, 355 pts)
   1 Command Squad, 355 pts ((C:SM, pg. 55 & 132); Automatic Unit Type; Space Marine Bike; Twin-Linked Boltgun; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics)
      1 Apothecary (Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Narthecium; Power Armour; Unit on SM Bikes; Bolt Pistol; Chainsword; Twin-Linked Boltgun)
      1 Company Champion (Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Combat Shield; Power Armour; Unit on SM Bikes; Bolt Pistol; Chainsword; Power Sword; Twin-Linked Boltgun)
      1 Veteran (Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Storm Shield; Unit on SM Bikes; Bolt Pistol; Thunder Hammer x1; Twin-Linked Boltgun)
      1 Veteran (Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Storm Shield; Unit on SM Bikes; Bolt Pistol; Thunder Hammer x1; Twin-Linked Boltgun)
      1 Veteran (Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Storm Shield; Unit on SM Bikes; Bolt Pistol; Thunder Hammer x1; Twin-Linked Boltgun)

Elite: Dreadnought (2#, 155 pts)
   1 Dreadnought, 155 pts ((C:SM, pg. 65 & 137); Vehicle (Walker); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Extra Armour; Dreadnought CCW; Multi-melta; Storm Bolter)
      1 Drop Pod (Vehicle (Immobile, Open-topped); 12 model capacity, or; Storm Bolter; Drop Pod Assault; Immobile; Inertial Guidance System)
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5#, 190 pts)

   3 Space Marine Bike Squad, 190 pts ((C:SM, pg. 68 & 140); Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Bolt Pistol x2; Meltagun x1; Twin-Linked Boltgun; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics)
      1 Attack Bike (Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Bolt Pistol; Multi-melta; Twin-Linked Boltgun; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics)
      1 Sergeant (Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Power Sword; Twin-Linked Boltgun)
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (6#, 225 pts)

   4 Space Marine Bike Squad, 225 pts ((C:SM, pg. 68 & 140); Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Bolt Pistol x3; Meltagun x1; Twin-Linked Boltgun; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics)
      1 Attack Bike (Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Bolt Pistol; Multi-melta; Twin-Linked Boltgun; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics)
      1 Sergeant (Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Power Fist; Twin-Linked Boltgun)
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (6#, 215 pts)

   4 Space Marine Bike Squad, 215 pts ((C:SM, pg. 68 & 140); Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Bolt Pistol x3; Meltagun x1; Twin-Linked Boltgun; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics)
      1 Attack Bike (Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Bolt Pistol; Multi-melta; Twin-Linked Boltgun; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics)
      1 Sergeant (Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Power Sword; Twin-Linked Boltgun)
Fast Attack: Stormtalon Gunship (1#, 125 pts)

   1 Stormtalon Gunship, 125 pts ((DFTS, pgs. 57 & 68); Vehicle (Flyer w/ Hover mode); Ceramite Plating; Twin-Linked Assault Cannon; Skyhammer Missile Launcher; Escort Craft; Strafing Run)
Fast Attack: Stormtalon Gunship (1#, 125 pts)
   1 Stormtalon Gunship, 125 pts ((DFTS, pgs. 57 & 68); Vehicle (Flyer w/ Hover mode); Ceramite Plating; Twin-Linked Assault Cannon; Skyhammer Missile Launcher; Escort Craft; Strafing Run)
Fast Attack: Stormtalon Gunship (1#, 125 pts)
   1 Stormtalon Gunship, 125 pts ((DFTS, pgs. 57 & 68); Vehicle (Flyer w/ Hover mode); Ceramite Plating; Twin-Linked Assault Cannon; Skyhammer Missile Launcher; Escort Craft; Strafing Run)
Total Roster Cost: 1850

This is a quick-attack force that relies on speed and force to get there and dismantle people. I’d say it is pretty much ‘go big or go home’. Hopefully I don’t face any heldrakes 😉

Next Top Model: Mantis Warriors Thunderhawk Asperitas Volo


I had previously posted about preparing a Thunderhawk for painting. I traded Valace2 for this Thunderhawk and intended on making it the centerpiece model for my Mantis Warriors army. It’ll fly along with my Storm Eagle, Storm Talons, and Storm Raven.

I really wanted to go all out on this model. If you see some thunderhawks around the web or in the FW books they are very plain; mostly mono-color with not much in the way of anything that makes them pop out. I always thought that hurt an already dated-looking model (it is very flat). I wanted to make this thing pop and the Mantis Warriors colors plus weathering really helps.

I also thought the lack of actual cockpit glass was SUPER ghetto. I constructed one using some plastic I purchased from the hobby shop and glued it on.

The engines and weapons mostly remained intact from Maelstrom’s paintjob. I added some scorch marks on the engines to make them look well-used as the Mantis Warriors do not receive any extra equipment from the Imperium while on their penitent crusade.

I added quite a few water slide decals. Decals add SO MUCH to any model and I encourage all gamers to use them. I still have a few things to fix on the model. The green spray I use doesn’t match Warpstone Glow 100% so I actually purchased the Army Painter bottled paint to fix up a few spots.

I love how the huge Mantis Warrior logo decals came out. The Micro Set + Micro Sol method really helped to get them to lay down flat on the non-flat surfaces like the tail aileron. I actually have the Thunderhawk’s name printed out to put on too. (Can you imagine using that door up at the top to jump out? I guess Space Marines are tough and all but dang).

Two shots of the belly. I put in some Dragon Forge basing kits so that I can actually put this thing on flight stands. It is still a work in progress as I purchased 12″ rods and I think I actually only need 6″ rods. (That’s what she said?).

She’s 95% done. This model will definitely be a centerpiece. Up next: models from Monstrous Arcanum!

Mantis Warrior Forge World Tartaros Terminators

Our little Space Marine has kept us very busy but I’ve been able to devote a little time each night to finishing these Tartaros Pattern Terminators from Forge World. I bought 10 so I could have 10 tactical terminators, 10 lightning claw terminators, and 10 storm shield / thunder hammer terminators.

I gave them the standard loadout with a heavy flamer and chainfists because they look so damn cool. I love the dynamic poses of these models – they actually look like they’re shooting at something or getting ready to fist a vehicle. I’ve heard a lot of hate on these particular terminators and I’m not sure why. They look great and they’ll stand out as something different for sure.

For the bases I chose to go with a ‘Bros on the Bayou’ theme. I’ve done jungle bases for all the Mantis Warriors I’ve painted so far but these guys are in an actual swamp. I used the Secret Weapon Miniatures  blasted wetlands bases and their Instant Scenery Kit for Wetlands to make it look really swampy.

For their fists and swords I used the same method I used on my lightning claws of layering dark blue, blue, light blue, then dry brushing white, then washing with Guilliman Blue. I think they turned out fantastic. I gave them gold helmets because I wanted them to definitely stand out. I’ll have to think of some battle honor they received. Perhaps Reth.

Each guy got some damage painted on because they’ve been through a lot. These guys are gonna take even more fire in 6th edition now that AP values have changed; torrent after torrent will be sent downrange at them. Hopefully they’ll return fire in a good way and take some stuff out.

Anyway, on to the photos! 

5th Edition Wrapup Tournament Results

Shamelessly stolen from The Independent Characters – listen to them!

6th Edition is less than two weeks away! The Gamers Sanctuary hosted a tournament yesterday and it was a great time. We had nine people show up and fight it out using Adepticon rules. Tournament results:

  • 1st Place: Bill M. (Geneguard) with his Salamanders
  • 2nd Place: Mike Hernandez with his Imperial Guard
  • 3rd Place:  Scott Tucker with his Grey Knights
  • Best Painted: Your humble editor… methinks it was a sympathy award, but I was proud to take this home
Charlie don’t surf!

The missions are always interesting and super challenging. For me, they take 40k to another level. You actually have to think about what is happening and how to get to the objectives. GS staff managed to put down enough terrain to make it less alpha-strikey as well.
Mike H.’s Imperial Guard. Glad I didn’t have to play this one

Josh’s Star Phantoms

Scott’s super well-painted Grey Knights with CONTEMPTOR FORCE
I love the object source lighting on his librarian

Tau4Eva’s… Tau
Geneguard (Bill)’s Salamnders with Vulkan Heman. 

I managed to go 0-3 with three very close losses. My first game I lost on the primary objective to Josh’s Star Phantoms 2-1. The Stormtalons were more of a threat than they were an actual performer.
Battle Markers… will have a writeup on these soon. SUPER AWESOME.

Stormtalons make great flankers

I tried to take the objective at the end but it wasn’t to be
My second game I lost on the primary objective to Adam’s Tau (Tau4Eva). He had me ‘outshooted’ the entire game and it was a tough loss. The Stormtalons became immobilized in an area where they couldn’t really shoot (my fault for trying to get them cover saves… damned if you do, damned if you don’t!). They did manage to shoot through some doors and blow up some things.
I probably should have spread out my Talons more in this game. There wasn’t a whole lot of terrain on my side of the board to hide behind and Tau got first turn

My third game was against Eldar. I lost this one again on close objectives… my Stormtalons again missed a lot of shots and I wasn’t able to take down his transports, which really cost me the game. I also immobilized my LRC on turn two. Stupid!
All in all it was a really fun tournament with three close games, and eight out of the nine armies were fully painted. I would say many of us FC40k crew brought ‘fun’ lists with stuff we just wanted to try out… a great time with friends.

Flying Into 6th Edition: Mantis Warrior Stormtalon Gunships Finished

First and foremost I’d like to admit something: I love flyer models in 40k. For a short period of time I had an Imperial Guard army solely because they had Valkyries. My Tyranid hive fleet has been led by Overlord Muggis, a flying hive tyrant, for a long time. Land speeders excite me. When GW decided to put out the Stormtalon Gunship they automatically had my money in their pocket for at least three.

You’ve seen the Storm Eagle I painted. I love that model. It is huge, Space Marine-y, and looks like it’ll mess you up. The rules could use some tightening, but I can deal with it. I bought three Stormtalons and intended to have them painted and ready for use tomorrow for the 40k Tournament at Gamers Sanctuary. I managed to paint them JUST in time.

Stormtalons line up in the setting sun

I decided to equip them with the missiles. These can either be typhoons or the stormhammer missile. It makes them 155 points each, which is crazy for an av11 flyer, but who knows what will happen with them in 6th Edition.

They’re easy to assemble. The worst part about painting them is the cockpit. Whoever decided that you should paint the lines on was a moron. I’m terrible at that.

There is a beam that goes through that allows the engines on the side to rotate with each other. I don’t really like moving parts on my models, but they do move somewhat. The assault cannon and front chin mounted thingy move independently as well, but I glued them down so I can take it off the air stand and put them on the table without them falling over.

Speaking of the air stand, it goes REALLY FAR into the model. (That’s what she said?) It isn’t like the Storm Raven or other models – the model is hollow in there and you can put it pretty far in. I feel like I might need to file the edges a bit so that it goes in better, as it is tight like a toiger.

The cockpit part wasn’t hard to glue on with white glue. I found that tip on From the Warp – super glue can cause gases that fog up the cockpit so you should use white glue.

I did put the tails on ‘backwards’ facing out like a normal plane because I think they look a  lot better like that. Not sure why GW thinks their planes should have backwards tails.

The model would be really easy to magnetize with the side pods, but I chose not to because I just hate magnetizing. I hate parts falling off, moving around and facing the wrong way, etc etc.

These Stormtalons have seen numerous drops… they’re weathered to show that.

I really like the look of the model. They’ve gotten some flak for having the chin assault cannons, but I don’t really see the problem.

So now I have five Mantis Warrior flyers. Can’t wait to field them tomorrow 😀

Mantis Warriors Iron Exemplar Command Spearhead

Over the weekend we celebrated the impending arrival of my son with a baby shower. No, I didn’t attend. I was in the basement with Geneguard, Cerberus, and Tau4Eva playing an 8,000 point per side fully-painted Apocalypse game. Cerberus shot a battle report that will be posted soon.

I had 20 terminators painted already for my Mantis Warriors, plus plenty of predators and land speeders, so it was time for some Land Raiders to carry my terminators. I figured out that if I had three land raiders I could carry all of my terminators, so I picked up another before the price hike.

The 8×4 battlefield – jungle terrain!

Originally I had intended to just toss my chapter master in with 7 terminators in the Crusader, then 6 in each regular land raider. Then I found the Iron Examplar formation in IA 9 that puts a Captain and his command squad in one land raider, then two to four more land raiders in the formation. They had to contain an elite choice basically. While in formation, any units within 6″ of the command raider were stubborn (this was HUGE late game!). Each Land Raider also was able to totally ignore its first penetrating hit.

So I loaded the captain up with terminator armor, lightning claw, and storm shield, and then brought along his command squad (I haven’t painted one yet, so I used my stand in sternguard).

The other two land raiders held their terminators. I deployed them centrally in my line to advance across the field as quickly as possible and take the enemy held objective. (Unfortunately in turn one one of my terminator land raiders immobilized itself!)

It took me about two weeks to paint these land raiders. I used Army Painter Green to base coat and prime in one shot, then painted on the details, then weathered and decaled. These land raiders have seen A LOT of use, so they’re muddy, shot up, and scorched.

The Mantis Warriors are currently on a penitent crusade to restore their standing in the Imperium, so any vehicles they have are going to be extremely dirty and shot up. This really hits home with my ‘Armies on Campaign’ theme I’m going for with my MW army.

I’ll try not to steal the thunder from Cerberus’ bat rep, but the command raider made it all the way to the back of the eldar lines; one terminator raider made it to the objective and stayed for a while before being blown up by bright lances (but delivered its payload of terminators); one land raider immobilized itself in our lines early on then moved up to hold our objective.

All in all a great time… I can’t wait to see the new bat rep!

May Mantis Warriors Update: Lightning Claws, Painted Army So Far

I finished my Something Awful oath to paint 10 lightning claw terminators and a Chapter Master (Charlesso Khan). I really liked how the lightning claws turned out; I started dark, layered up to light, dry brushed white, then glazed with Gulliman Blue.

I will say before I started this project I was very anti-power armor, as that seems to be all we see around our area. I’m still pro-xenos but I feel like there are some pretty damn cool stories to be told with marines. I’m far from done with these guys.

First, Chapter Master Charlesso Khan with his lightning claw and storm shield:

Now his lightning claw terminator retinue:

I think they probably will find themselves mixed in with some thunder hammer terminators just for some higher initiative strikes. I went a step further than normal with some layering on these fellas. Can’t wait to have them deep strike in and tear up the xenos.

Since it was such a nice bright day I decided to take shots of what I have fully painted so far.

Sniper scouts!

Other batch of snipers. I haven’t painted any tac squads yet.

Sternguard. Sweet Forge World models.
My characters – tech priest, chapter master, chaplain, and librarian

Full army shot

Terminators and dreads

Land speeders with typhoon missiles

Rhino chassis vehicles

Drop Pods

KR Case. Wife Patched on some stuff for me

Master Mantodea from the BOLS Badab War supplement

This is my progress so far. Like I said I’m far from done. I can’t take credit for the rhino chassis vehicles as Geneguard is painting those in trade with me. Thanks for checking these out!

Chapter Master Charlesso Khan of the Mantis Warriors

I have to admit something to the 40k community… I have a crush on lightning claws. I put them on my Chaos Space Marines, I put them on my Mantis Warriors when possible… I love the fluff about them and they look so cool. Thunder hammers are amazing in game (when paired with a storm shield) but they don’t look nearly as cool as lightning claws.

I have been thinking about making a Mantis Warriors chapter master for a long time. I had a chief librarian, a chaplain, a captain (not painted yet) on a bike, and a terminator librarian (not painted yet). I wanted a character in terminator armor with a storm shield so he could be paired with my terminators.

I decided on a chapter master. You hardly see them since they’re so expensive and really not all that great. I wanted to try him out anyway just to see what he could do. Putting him in terminator armor makes his orbital bombardment semi-useless as you want him in combat, but perhaps I’d get a use out of it sometime. I was pumped to see that he could use a storm shield AND a lightning claw so that is how I built him. I added a piece for an auxiliary grenade launcher just in case I wanted to use that at some point.

Following my prime directive that every character needs a back banner he was given one. I tried to use the new paints on this new model – I still primed him Army Painter green however. This makes painting marines a lot easier.

I made sure to add enough purity seals so that everyone knew he was a chapter master. I also had to use a helmet-less head because he’s a space marine – they don’t need no damn helmets if they’re a chapter master. For the highlighting I went with Moot Green. I like the extreme highlights on terminator models.

For the lightning claws I started with a base of Calgar Blue. I then layered that with Lothern Blue, then drybrushed on Temple Guard Blue and White Scar finally. I then hit it with a glaze of Gulliman Blue. The glaze really helped the claws pop. I’ll be using that for all my lightning claw terminators now.

Finally I based the model in my jungle scheme. I really like how he turned out and look forward to finishing my 10 lightning claw terminators this month.

Next week I’ll be placing a Forge World order and definitely getting at least one of these kits.